Wednesday 4 April 2012

Back to normal, or better?

I'm going to run a one-mile time trial tomorrow. Nothing spectacular will happen, I imagine. I hope to run somewhere in fast, but no-one-cares range. Avoiding injuries is still high on my list. The run is at McGill University, my soon-to-be ol' stomping grounds. McGill Olympic is hosting, so to speak, though it's not a race. That means no race entry fee. Joy.

Sadly I learn this is not secretly a beer mile. Haven't run one of those in a while, though I miss them. My taste in beer is so different from what it was then. I may have forgotten how to chug one. I digress, the mile is tomorrow.

Feeling good after running Around the Bay last week. Eerily good, in that most of my leg soreness faded after three days. Already ran one hill workout on Saturday with the Endurance team et al. Pretty good for a 30k I didn't exactly train for. Actually, that's probably why I feel good (ironic, but true). Now I'm running a mile unprepared. We shall see what happens.

Sitting here, not injured, I realize how hard it is to write when nothing's broken or hurt. So much to say when you're up on your feet, thinking "I figured it all out! Next time will be different!". Felt like sober ideas were pouring from me then, but now it's all crazy schemes.To add to my hesitation to write is the superstitious nature of athletes: writing to say how everything is going swimmingly feels like an open invitation back to the pool (so water-based either way).

As it happens I do have things to write about. I'm still reading things here and there, trying to reverse engineer ideas into running material. Some ideas help me think about training, others are rants, like the last post. I'm trying to run more slowly in my easy runs, but not quite super slow, just so that soreness is mitigated, not enhanced, during them (Did I mention my soreness went away quickly? Guess it's working). That's all. I have a longer post on efficiency (Woah, now there's irony). Also meant to write about Athletics Canada. Things to do, people to offend. Boy, what am I doing here?